Page 148 - สาระน่ารู้ด้านการบังคับคดีแพ่ง - กรมบังคับคดี
P. 148
After a sale of property by public auction, why does a plaintiff not
receive the full amount of purchase price paid by a buyer?
After the buyer paid the purchase price in full, the proceeds must be
paid for other expenses in the following order:
1. Execution fees.
2. The plaintiff’s advanced payment for various expenses.
3. Debts owed to preferred creditor(s) such as a mortgagee.
4. Debts owed to ordinary creditor(s).
5. Any remaining amount from the sale proceeds will be paid by the
enforcement officer to the debtor(s).
The proceeds from a sale by public auction will not be paid to the
creditor in full but will be initially spent on various fees first. If the creditor
still has not received debt repayment in full, the creditor has the right to
further enforce payment from the debtor’s other properties within the time
period prescribed by the laws.
148 Interesting facts about enforcement of civil case judgment Interesting facts about enforcement of civil case judgment 149