Page 22 - แผนภูมิแสดงขั้นตอนการบังคับคดี - กรมบังคับคดี
P. 22
Receiving Payments in
Civil Cases
Civil Case Enforcement
Any interested person submitted Bangkok Office 1-7
the LED notice to receive payment
Required Documents and the statement to receive
the payment to the enforcement
For Natural Person (In Person) officer entitled to payment in the case Legal Execution
1. The ID card of the person or other Offices and Branches
card with photograph issued by
a government agency
For Juristic Person (In Person)
1. The ID card of the authorized The office clerk receives
director of the juristic person the documents, and checks
or other card with photograph the bankruptcy / business
issued by a government agency reorganization status of
2. The certificate of registration of
the juristic person issued by the interested person.
Department of Business
Development, Ministry of
Commerce, or a copy of such **Required documents for
document certified by the the wire transfer to bank
registrar The enforcement officer account
3. The company seal of the examines the documents**
juristic person (If any) and issues an order. Copy of the page of the
account book that shows
For Natural Person the account number
(By authorizing an appointee)
1. The power of attorney (the
LED’s form) The interested The interested
2. The copy of ID card of the person receives person receives
appointer with certified true payment by payment by
3. The ID card of the appointee him / herself wire transfer.
or other card with photograph or by
issued by a government agency appoinment.
For Juristic Person
(By authorizing an appointee)
1. The power of attorney (the
LED’s form) The accounting officer
2. The copy of ID card of the
authorized director of the pays the proceeds to
juristic person with certified the interested person
true copy
3. The ID card of the authorized
director of the juristic person
or other card with photograph Remarks : In the case of the entitled person has deceased, the heir of such
issued by a government agency person may file an application with the court to appoint the
4. The certificate of registration administrator of the deceased’s estate or make a request with
of the juristic person issued the court for repayment. After the court grants the permission,
by Department of Business the heir of the entitled person shall present the court’s order
Development, Ministry of certified by the director of the court or his representative
Commerce, or a copy of such before the enforcement officer to receive the payment.
document certified by the In the case of name change, please present the name change
registrar certificate to the enforcement officer. If the name of the entitled
person, either surname or first name, differs from what
appeared in the writ of execution, the entitled person shall
bring such writ of execution and file a motion to the court to
alter it, and subsequently presenting the amended writ of
execution to the enforcement officer to receive the payment.
แผนภูมิแสดงขั้นตอนการบังคับคดี 20 กรมบังคับคดี กระทรวงยุติธรรม